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Integrated Traffic and Safety Management Plan Update


Updated: Feb 28, 2021

Picnic in the park

The Town of Oakville has been conducting an Integrated Traffic and Safety Management study with the WRRA and the Halton Regional Police to develop a template for a traffic and safety management program. It looks at measures like traffic calming, enforcement and public education that can potentially be used in other neighbourhoods across Oakville.

The town issued a traffic survey for neighbourhood residents to collect opinions on traffic concerns, speeding, enforcement and education initiatives to help increase traffic safety. The results will be available by the end of February. They will help formulate recommendations and an action plan for the future West River Integrated Traffic and Safety Management Plan.

If you have any questions about the study or process, please contact Chris Clapham, Sustainable Transportation Program Coordinator by phone at 905-845-6601, ext.3306, or by email at

More measures coming to reinforce 40 km limit

After more than five years of concerted effort by the WRRA, Oakville Council last week voted unanimously to make our pilot project permanent. More importantly, they agreed that additional measures to reinforce the reduced speed be investigated and implemented. Throughout the years, we received strong support from our Councilors Cathy Duddeck and Ray Chisholm.

We were hoping to kick-start the discussions on those “additional measures” with an on-line information session to release the results of the Town’s survey (see above) and provide some in-person input. But we had only five people respond with interest in the on-line meeting, so we will look for other ways to work with the Town.

As part of the report to Council, speed studies found that the new posted speed limit signs alone had little or no effect on reducing speeds. In fact, on one section of Queen Mary, speeds actually increased slightly. That’s why more is needed.

Halton Regional Police had intermittent surveillance set up during the study. They issued about 70 tickets, about half for speeding and half for other infractions, including stop sign infractions. It is estimated about half the tickets were given to West River residents.

WRRA looks forward to continuing its work with the Town to help make our neighbourhood safer.


40 is the new 50 km/hr - Oakville News

Get ready to slow down. Town council has decided that speed limits on Oakville’s neighbourhood streets should drop to 40 km/h. The reduced speed on all local and minor collector roads will come into effect over the next two to three years.


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